What role have natural resources played in the middle east?
Natural recourses have played a significant role in the middle east. Oil, which is in abundance in the middle east, is in high demand. All the major powers of the world are struggling for the oil. Water also plays a factor. Unlike oil, there’s not so much water. Therefor political disputes erupt within the middle east countries over who gets so much of the water.
What is the climate?
The climate is mostly arid, or semi arid. Subtropical. They have a rugged terrain-small mountains. Some deserts and some plains along the costs.
Does this country have a fresh water supply?
Parts of the country are have well enough water, like near the caspian sea, but other parts don’t come close to enough to have a farm or any form of agriculture. They have a gulf: The Persian Gulf. They have 8 total lakes in the country.
What industries does the country support?
It’s top industries are: petroleum, petrochemicals, fertilizers, caustic soda, and textiles.
What international issues is the country currently facing?
The country is facing blames for terrorism, and currently being blamed for developing nuclear weapons.
What is the population of the country? What is the average life span? F? M?
The country of Iran has a total population of 48,181,463.
A males life expectancy is 70 years.
A females life expectancy is about 73 years.
What is the GDP per capita of the country?
The average Iranian will make about 10, 600 dollars a year.
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